Physics and Data Science
I am a Senior Data Scientist working currently at brainnwave. I have a physics, engineering and facilitation background that drives me to apply a computational approach to a broad range of questions.
- Energy and low-tech
- Complex Systems
- Urban Computing
- NLP and GIS
- MSc, Physics of Complex Systems
ENS de Lyon, 2018
- MEng, Nanotechnology Engineering
UCBL + INSA + Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2016
- BSc, Physics
UCBL, 2014
Turing patterns: beautiful hot mess - part 2/2
Where we shoot big guns at a math problem.
Turing patterns: beautiful hot mess - part 1/2
Where we learn about foxes, rabbits, and how two ideas can be relevant to each other more than a century apart.
The Heat Equation: call the police and the firemen ! (Turing patterns part 0/2)
Where we learn about what it means to be hot.
Collective behaviour: an introduction to complex systems
Where we learn about the New York accent, computer graphics in the late 80s, the autonomy of birds, and where Jeff Goldblum makes a surprise appearance.
Jekyll Cheat Sheet
Where I stuff everything I learned about Jekyll in the early days of this blog, in an attempt to make it pass as good documentation practice.
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